Category: Biology

Respiratory System: Differences Between the Left and Right Lung

What are the differences between the left lung and right lung? Here, we detail quick and easy to learn summary points of the right lung vs left lung. Left vs Right Lung

Seven General Functions of the Respiratory System

What is the respiratory system? In general, the respiratory system is a biological system that contains organs and structures that assist in gas exchange. Gas exchange involves the movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen between our circulating blood and air. In this educational lesson, we explore seven general functions of our respiratory system.

Evolution: Homology vs Homoplasy

Lovely, isn’t she? (Yes, the furry one above.) She’s Your 65-Million-Year-Old Mother. Through modern computer analysis and evolutionary data, Maureen O’Leary a researcher from Stony Brook University and her colleagues discovered the last known common ancestor of placentals (Scientific American). Modern placentals include animals such as whales, bats, […]

Evolution: Phylogeny and Platypuses

I know. Platypuses. I’m sure 75% of the people who are reading this post (or sentence for that matter) were attracted to the content of “platypuses.” No worries, the title is not misleading. This is about platypuses. And evolution. Ornithorhynchus anatinus or also known as the platypus is […]