Cormac McCarthy’s The Road – Literary Analysis [Part 1]

Literary analysis of the novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy: character analysis and symbolic relationship between the boy and his father, as well as symbols and religious allusions

Evolution: Homology vs Homoplasy

Lovely, isn’t she? (Yes, the furry one above.) She’s Your 65-Million-Year-Old Mother. Through modern computer analysis and evolutionary data, Maureen O’Leary a researcher from Stony Brook University and her colleagues discovered the last known common ancestor of placentals (Scientific American). Modern placentals include animals such as whales, bats, […]

Evolution: Phylogeny and Platypuses

I know. Platypuses. I’m sure 75% of the people who are reading this post (or sentence for that matter) were attracted to the content of “platypuses.” No worries, the title is not misleading. This is about platypuses. And evolution. Ornithorhynchus anatinus or also known as the platypus is […]

The Gandhi Box by Daniel Abraham – Literary Analysis

Analyzing the Gandhi Box’s Ending In the short story “Gandhi Box,” author Daniel Abraham explores the consequences and contagious influences of the unbalance between unbridled pure desires and submissions to societal rules. Through the climatic ending, Abraham illustrates how man’s inability to reconcile with his internal moral and instinctive […]