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Greek God Hermes Facts & Mythology: Who was Hermes the God of?

Who is Hermes The Greek God? Fun Facts & Mythology About Hermes the Messenger of Gods and God of the Wind

Zoom! This handsome Greek god, who is faster than the speed of wind, is the legendary Hermes. Also known as the messenger of the gods and God of Wind, he delivered important messages and participated in the most number of Greeks myths, such as the Odyssey and Hercules. Hermes is one of the most important 12 gods and goddesses residing in Mount Olympus, including the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess Athena, and the Greek God Apollo.

Hermes was born already revealing his cunning and creative personality -he picked up the empty shell of a tortoise and stringed it to make the first lyre after perceiving its use as a sounding equipment. Hermes was a popular god, made friends with almost all of the gods of Olympus, and had unique strengths and weaknesses that defined his exciting life.

The Origins of Hermes: Messenger God

When was Hermes the Greek God born?

  1. Born in a cave to Zeus and Maia (Pleiades) – Sources vary on when Hermes the Greek God was born. His birthday is known for being the fourth day of the month, and his sacred number is four.
  2. Traveled to Thessaly
  3. Stole Apollo’s precious cattle
  4. Charged as guilty for that deed
  5. Bribed Apollo with his lyre
  6. Kept cattle and became friends with Apollo the Sun God

Here’s the story of Hermes’ birth by mythographer Apollodorus in Homeric Hymn to Hermes, describing the birth of Hermes and his theft of the god Apollo’s cattle.

“Maia, after her intercourse with Zeus, bore Hermes in a cave on Kyllene.

Though he was laid out in swaddling-clothes with her winnowing-basket for a cradle, he escaped and made his way to Pieria, where he stole some cattle that Apollon was tending. To keep from being discovered by the tracks, he put boots on their feet and led them to Pylos. He hid them in a grotto, except for two which he sacrificed, pinning up their hides on rocks, boiling some of the meat for his meal and burning the rest.

Outside the cave he found a tortoise feeding. He cleaned it out, and stretched across the shell strings made from the cattle he had sacrificed, and when he had thus devised a lyre he also invented a plectrum.

Meanwhile Apollon reached Pylos in his search for the cattle, and asked the locals about them. They told him that they had indeed seen a boy driving some cattle, but they could not say where they had been driven because there were no tracks to be found. So Apollon learned who the thief was by divine science, and made his way to Maia on Kyllene to charge Hermes. Maia, however, showed Apollon the baby in his swaddling-clothes, whereupon Apollon took him to Zeus and demanded his cattle. When Zeus told Hermes to return them, he denied everything, but since his father would not believe him, he led Apollon to Pylos and gave him back his cattle. Then, when Apollon heard the lyre, he exchanged the cattle for that.

And as Hermes was tending the cattle, this time he fashioned a shepherd’s pipe which he proceeded to play. Covetous also of this, Apollon offered him the golden staff which he held when he herded cattle. But Hermes wanted both the staff and proficiency in the art of prophecy in return for the pipe. So he was taught how to prophesy by means of pebbles, and gave Apollon the pipe.

And Zeus made Hermes his personal herald and messenger of the gods beneath the earth.”

Hermes Also Known As God of:

  1. Messenger God, Divine Herald, God of the Wind
  2. Patron of Poetry and Literature
  3. Also God of thieves, commerce, and eloquence
  4. God of Dreams, Sports, Travel, Trade
  5. Became friends with many gods, especially Apollo
  6. Enemies were Titans

Stories About Hermes The Greek God of Wind:

  1. Helped with numerous situations
  2. Odysseus and Calypso
  3. Argus and Io
  4. Ares and jar

Mythological Story of Odysseus and Hermes

In Greek mythology, the story of Hermes and Odysseus is one of cunning and trickery. Odysseus, the famous hero of Homer’s epic poem “The Odyssey,” was known for his intelligence and his ability to outsmart his enemies. Hermes, the messenger god and god of thieves, was known for his own cleverness and ability to help or hinder mortals as he saw fit.

One of the most notable interactions between Hermes and Odysseus occurs in “The Odyssey” when Odysseus and his men become trapped on the island of the Cyclops, Polyphemus. Hermes, who is known as the protector of travelers, appears to Odysseus in the form of a young man and advises him on how to escape the Cyclops. He tells Odysseus to give Polyphemus a false name, “Nobody,” so that when the Cyclops calls for help, no one will come to his aid. Hermes also advises Odysseus to blind Polyphemus by burning out his eye with a hot poker.

Hermes also helps Odysseus during his journey home after the fall of Troy. When Odysseus and his men are stranded on the island of the witch-goddess Circe, Hermes comes to Odysseus in a dream and gives him a magical herb called “moly” that will protect him from Circe’s magic. With the herb, Odysseus is able to resist Circe’s spells and turn her into a kind host.

Throughout the story of “The Odyssey,” Hermes is a helper to Odysseus, often providing him with the means to overcome obstacles and continue on his journey. In a way, Hermes’s role in the story is similar to a protector or guardian to Odysseus, helping him to outsmart his enemies and return home safely.

Power of Hermes:

  1. Guile, trick others
  2. Eloquently persuade others
  3. Calmed snakes on his wand of caduceus
  4. Fast as mercury and the speed of the wind
  5. Shoes and hat with wings

Relationships of Hermes:

  1. Had many affairs
  2. Aphrodite was one of his lovers
  3. Son = Pan, god of nature
  4. Daughter/ Son = Hermaphrodites
  5. Son = Antolycus (grandfather of Odysseus)

Love Story of Hermes and Aphrodite the Goddess of Love

At first, Aphrodite rejected Hermes’ advances, but Zeus felt sorry for Hermes so he decided to help him out! 😉 When Aphrodite bathed in the river called Achelous, Zeus commissioned an eagle to take her sandal to to the Egyptians and gave it to Hermes. When she went to find her sandal and came to Hermes, he took the chance to seduce her in return of her sandal. Then, Hermes rewarded the eagle by placing a constellation in the sky to represent him. The love between Hermes and Aphrodite bore fruit to the birth of Hermaphrodite, their child.

As the son of Zeus, Hermes represented the essential communication line among the gods as the fastest Greek God and God of the Wind. From birth to the rest of his immortal life, Hermes enjoyed helping others with messages and occasionally had some fun with trickery and women. Hermes was friendly with most gods and goddesses and serves as the true messenger of gods.

Read more about the Greek Gods including Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, Aphrodite, and Hermes by checking out these popular articles: the Greek God Hermes, the Greek Goddess Athena, Greek God Poseidon, Greek Goddess Aphrodite, and the Greek God Apollo! Apollo’s love for Daphne remained strong and enduring, and it became one of the most famous love stories in Greek mythology.

ZeusSky and thunderThunderbolt and eagle
PoseidonSea and earthquakesTrident
HadesUnderworldHelm of invisibility
AthenaWisdom and warfareOwl and olive tree
ApolloMusic, poetry, and prophecyLyre, bow and arrow
ArtemisHunting and virginityBow and arrow
AresWarSpear and shield
AphroditeLove and beautyMirror and dove
HephaestusFire and metalworkingAnvil and hammer
HermesMessengers and travelCaduceus and winged sandals
DionysusWine and fertilityGrapevine and thyrsus
DemeterAgriculture and fertilityCornucopia and wheat
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